Wednesday, December 06, 2006

None so blind...

Oh! This lad , charming was he,
But for one flaw: He would not see.
Would not, say I, for sure he could!
And of this fact he understood.

But he refused and wouldn't try,
To take ev'n a peek from both his eyes.
"The light I fear, it's piercing bright!
I'm doing fine, I don't need sight."

His mother tried to coax him sore.
"Just try it dear, there's so much more!"
"I'm fine", said he, "I'm happy here,
I still can taste, and touch and hear."

And as he grew, more set was he.
"I'm blind! Get over it, that's me!"
So as all the beauty passed him by,
He tried to see but would not try.

No flowers bloom or southern lights,
No sunsets, rainbows, stars at night;
Three things and four: he was blind to the needs
Of the starving children on the street.

-Dec 7, am.

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