Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The past four weeks have been challenging for me, to say the least... i have experienced new emotions and feelings that are definitely firsts... although i am glad the worse is over (or so i hope), i also do not want to ever forget the pain and hurt... because it is only through this that i will learn (hopefully) to love more the One who hurt for me and keep myself from hurting others, to cherish the love that i posses and to work at developing and nurturing it...
I guess there comes a time in life where one has to take a step back and re-evaluate things... a shifting of ideals and principles and learning to see what is really important... it's really strange how one can be just going on in life and busy with so many things that i feel that everything's ok... until the warning lights blink and you suddenly realise that things aren't right and you've been living in oblivion all along...
And it's going to take a long and purposeful process to right the wrong (if possible) and get things back on course but i'm sure by God's grace that things will be for the better and with His enabling it will be to His glory...
The support, prayer and encouragement extended by friends and family have been tremendous and my heart is grateful...


Anonymous said...

good to know you are processing all that is happening inside and around you.. change is often seen as a sign weakness rather than courage. i prefer the latter because i'd like to think that the best is yet to come. anyway thanks for sharing; will surely remember you in prayer as you work things out in His good time.

sooaun said...

thanks bro, have certainly been blessed to be covered with much prayer by many... :)