Friday, November 10, 2006

Baby Josiah

Had a really lovely time in Penang with family over thursday and friday. Went up with Aunty Gaik and Mum to see baby Josiah, new addition to Alan and Laura's family. Most of the shots i took came out blur due to poor photography skills but here are some of the little dear...

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looks like he's smiling here...
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Mum carrying Jojo...
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Aunty Gaik's turn...
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Baby Josiah being fed by his mummy.... yum...
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Thank you Uncle Edward and Aunty Rose for having us over, for feeding us so much, for taking us around and for all the love and gifts!


mei said...

aw, he's so itty bitty teeny weeny adorable-y

ling said...

awww, adorables!