Monday, September 04, 2006

Hermit the Crab

Pei Ling surprised me last fellowship dinner with a pair of hermit crabs. (thanks Pei Ling!) I told her, don't ever do that again. (Sorry, Pei Ling ;)) I was frustrated because I didn't know anything about hermit crabs and the poor fellas were without a proper habitat. Usually, some homework must be done regarding a new pet, and a habitat prepared before bringing them home. Well, one poor guy died but I went out and got 5 more (cos they have to live in a colony, you see) and so, here's the crabitat :D

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And here's William... no i haven't named the others but he's just such a william la...

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ling said...

awwww one guy died? =(

im so sorry kor.. :(

thot i'd surprise u, im js so dumb, sigh.

anyway thats a very nice-looking crabitat! ^^ wheres the other 5 guys? =)

ling said...

awwww one guy died? =(

im so sorry kor.. :(

thot i'd surprise u, im js so dumb, sigh.

anyway thats a very nice-looking crabitat! ^^ wheres the other 5 guys? =)

sooaun said...

hi, no worries gurl... it's the thot that counts ;)

the other 5 guys are around... :)

mei said...

william? *raises eyebrow*

Jaya said...

this is unrelated, but mei, the black eyed peas guy's name is ;)

sooaun said...

i don't think mei gives two hoots about any black eyed peas whoever, haha... anyway, i've just named another guy spencer :D