Saturday, November 07, 2009

Ordering my private world

Mum bought me the book Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald quite some time back. I remember reading it but don't remember if i finished it. Anyway, i recently decided it was time to take a step back and take stock of myself. Whether i was being true to myself in the things that i do and get into. It's quite scary to find that i am just drifting along in life, doing what i think is what God wants me to do and not really knowing if what i'm doing is because i am driven to by the expectations of people around me, or my own selfish ambitions or simply because these things present themselves to me and i just take them on. So, since last tuesday, i have taken away a few distractions that rob me of my time. No fb for a week at least, no tv, just to put myself into a more contemplative mode before i reach another 'milestone' in my life. I've pressed the economy button on my car and forced myself to keep within the speed limits, something that is extremely tough for me to do and i find a real challenge. As i work at being a true disciple to the most gracious and loving Lord and Master, i know my growth has been stunted, but better late than never right? Anyway, i hope those of you who read this blog will keep me in your prayers as i attempt, by the Lord's strength, to order my private world, so that i will truly understand stewardship, know exactly who i am, possess an unwavering sense of purpose and practice unswerving commitment in my life. As i strife to have my mind renewed by the grace of the One who has called me, may i be a blessing to each of you too.


crazyhorsechief said...

amen bro.. looking forward to hear about this journey from you some day.

Jaya said...

you know you've got me with you on this man.

sooaun said...

thanks guys... um.. who is crazyhorsechief?

pohkim said...

always behind you in prayer, son..

sooaun said...

as always, mummy... thank you :)

ling said...

crazyhorsechief is keatlim kor :)

time for update kor! :)

sooaun said...

yeah, yeah, yeah... :P