Jasbir commented recently that she checks my blog every other day... So maybe i should be updating it a bit more since there are kind folk who do read it... i don't have to have a sudden inspirational thought or a major event to write about, just updates that help friends know what's happening in my life... So here goes...
Have been enjoying the sunroof a lot recently... initially i would get very annoyed with the sound but now i have learnt to live with the sound and enjoy the sunshine! Here are some sights that greeted me when i looked up this morning...
Have been enjoying the sunroof a lot recently... initially i would get very annoyed with the sound but now i have learnt to live with the sound and enjoy the sunshine! Here are some sights that greeted me when i looked up this morning...
Clouds left by a passing jet...
Did you notice the moon?
This one is while waiting at the traffic lights in front of pudu jail...
1st time i've beed scratched by the needle, while donating blood today...
Customer brought in this guitar for repair... UV coating seems to be peeling off...
Red mountain racer shedding phase again (notice the blurred eyes?)... Hopefully i's a nice clean shed this time...
It's been a quiet day in the showroom today. Met a dealer, sold some gear, changed light bulbs, restrung a guitar, answered emails and calls. Singapore office is has been busy the past few days. Anyway, my thoughts are still on the youth center and what God wants me to do. Looking forward to meeting up with Aunty Gaik this sunday for lunch. Ee May cancelled her leave for next week, so i won't have to fly solo, except on saturday... It's 4:48pm and i still don't know what to eat for lunch. Must take care of my body, so better go...
wonder how a snake changes its skin.. can show picture? ..
thanks soo aun....loved the update...!!
eeee....disgustin snake...:P
sori 4 d word,bt i jz can't lik snakes...send goosebumps all over me...eks..
well, they're still an amazing part of God's creation... first, their eyes will get blur like you see in the picture, then the color will also get dull... after a few days it will become clear, and then they will rub their head against something and change 'baju'! The whole skin will come out inside out. Sometimes if they are not hydrated enough or it's too dry then the shed is not complete and part of the old skin gets stuck here and there...
wow.. couldn't agree more.. i marvel at how God made them like that u know.. next time when it changes its skin again, can take photo and show? :) curious
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