Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bukit Lalang

A public holiday is such a precious thing. I know those who are still studying will not understand this. You will, when you start working. Anyway, Desmond asked during fellowship dinner if I wanted to join him and the others on another trip to Nuang. I was rather hesitant, considering my fitness level has deteriorated considerably since the last climb. But more importantly, I was really hoping to go somewhere with my teens club class. I really enjoy bringing them out and spending time with them and we were supposed to plan something, but firstly, they couldn't agree on a place to go and secondly, one three were present last saturday, making planning quite impossible. I was still hoping to arrange something so even if it was for a smaller group. Cheryl has the special girl's meeting on in the morning, so I had asked Jeya if he could come along to assist me. I've already learnt my lesson that I should never bring a bunch of kids out alone. When I checked with him yesterday, Jeya wanted to stay home and prepare his sunday message, but Cheryl was keen to assist me after her meeting ends at around 1:30pm. Long story short, we couldn't arrange anything in time. Then Kenny, my ex-colleague from SAE called and asked if I knew how to get to Bukit Lalang. Alvin had just mentioned this place to me on weds night during regional and I thought I could hook them up since he said he was going on labour day. A few calls here and there and I had arranged for Kenny to come to my place at 5:30am. Actually, I really needed some rest, but since I have not been able spend much time with Kenny for a long time and everytime he invites me to ride, I have to decline cos it's on a sunday, I agreed. Alvin later called to cancel.

I rarely type such 'cheong hei' story so back to short and sweet.

The place was packed. I hate packed trails. Of course if I were to bring a group on a trip there, then I would be as irritating to some people as they were to me. Not that I have anything against them, they have as much right to be there as I do, so I don't hate them, just the situation. Short climb up. Nice scenery. Sunrise wasn't so nice but bumped into Jia Yin :)

As usual, more pics on FB:)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Colossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

A husband's duty is to love his wife. I can only find one verse in the Bible that instructs wives to love their husbands. So, as a husband I need to realise what this means in order to fulfill my duties. Of course it is easy to 'love' someone if they are perfect and cute. But nobody's perfect and not everyone stays cute forever. I heard once that the reason why babies are so cute is because if they weren't, it would be quite difficult to care for them. Anyway, back to the matter of love. The second part of the verse in Ephesians gives a very clear example and model of what love is and how a husband is to love his wife.

To start with, God gave us the marriage institution as a picture of Christ and the church. So, what did Christ do and how does he love the church. Well, as the son of God, he gave up all that he had and came down on earth to suffer and die to pay for our sins. Rising again, he defeated the power of death and hell. Ok, now this is the 'romantic' part. He did this to win us back to God. The next verse tells the story.

Ephesians 5:26,27 make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any blemish, but holy and blameless.

So basically, Christ did everything! Being one who believes in chivalry, I do think that husbands ought to do things for their wives (even though they may be totally capable of doing it themselves sometimes!). Of course in the case of Christ and the church, we were totally lost and condemned and unable to help ourselves but he came and sacrificed himself in order to win us over. And it is because of that that we love him.

1John 4:19. We love because he first loved us.

Now back to how that helps me love my wife. If I were to take the example from Christ, then considering how much he sacrificed for our sake, I should do the same. Basically, it is having Cheryl's best interest at heart. It is an unselfish love. One that is very hard to practise and can only be done with God's grace. Totally unlike the kind of 'love' that we see in the world today where everything is about 'what's in it for me'. Don't even get me started on prenups and divorce. Whatever happened to 'for better or for worse'? These days, as soon as it's a little rough, couples bail out. I remember once, a number of years ago, after Cheryl had done something silly. I looked at her, gave a big sigh and said, "for better or worse". Looking back at me, in feigned seriousness, gave a bigger sigh and replied, "for richer or poorer". We had a good laugh over that.

As long as we're on this earth, in this sinful body, we are presently and practically imperfect (some seem more imperfect then others! haha). And we will often grieve our Lord and stray away from him. How often we have been disobedient and rebellious. But his love is such that he continues to love us and only desires what is best for us.

So husbands, love your wives. Never lose that tender and manja connection with them. Think of their interests above yours. Give in to them and put your ego aside (unless it is a matter which is wrong principally). Take the lead as the head of the family unit and lead them gently. Constantly look to the Lord for guidance and remember, if Christ is our example, there is no sacrifice that can match his...

and hopefully, she'll love you back... but even if she doesn't, your duty is still to love her...

1 Peter 3:7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

Friday, April 17, 2009

today is the 17th of april, 2009

Jasbir commented recently that she checks my blog every other day... So maybe i should be updating it a bit more since there are kind folk who do read it... i don't have to have a sudden inspirational thought or a major event to write about, just updates that help friends know what's happening in my life... So here goes...

Have been enjoying the sunroof a lot recently... initially i would get very annoyed with the sound but now i have learnt to live with the sound and enjoy the sunshine! Here are some sights that greeted me when i looked up this morning...

Clouds left by a passing jet...

Did you notice the moon?

This one is while waiting at the traffic lights in front of pudu jail...

1st time i've beed scratched by the needle, while donating blood today...

Customer brought in this guitar for repair... UV coating seems to be peeling off...

Red mountain racer shedding phase again (notice the blurred eyes?)... Hopefully i's a nice clean shed this time...

It's been a quiet day in the showroom today. Met a dealer, sold some gear, changed light bulbs, restrung a guitar, answered emails and calls. Singapore office is has been busy the past few days. Anyway, my thoughts are still on the youth center and what God wants me to do. Looking forward to meeting up with Aunty Gaik this sunday for lunch. Ee May cancelled her leave for next week, so i won't have to fly solo, except on saturday... It's 4:48pm and i still don't know what to eat for lunch. Must take care of my body, so better go...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hard to say goodbye?!

We had our Easter and Farewell party today for the teens. A group of them will be promoted to YP next week. Yes, you know who you are (some read this blog). Anyway, I really pray that they will fit in well with the YP and continue to grow in the love and knowledge of the Lord. I'm happy that they are going on to more mature things and I can concentrate better on the younger ones. But of course I'm sad to see them go. Well, I'll still see many of them during other meetings and on saturdays but it won't be the same...

These are some who are going to YP. Others didn't come today as school was on...

Hwei Huih made a cake for them. Yummy!

Keychains that Alvin made for them.

The whole group!

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Lately i've been discovering myself displaying certain habits i find irritating in Cheryl. Don't worry, i'm not talking behind her back or bad mouthing her, she already knows all this. Here are some examples...

1. Spilling/dropping food
2. Using tissue paper
3. Wiping wet hands on my t shirt/hips
4. Leaving rubbish in the car
5. Leaving the dishes till tomorrow

More than twice last month i have looked at her and we both give each other that knowing grin... oh well....