Thursday, February 12, 2009


Sorry to have gone MIA for so long. Was sick all CNY so here are updates of all that happened in between the last post and now... Well, for one... jeng jeng jeng... NEW RIDE!

In time for going up to Penang after Christmas.

We had a good time wondering around and spending most of our time in the Baptist bookstore. But Pa got sick halfway through the trip :(

Had a great time playing Risk - Transformer Edition on new year's eve... until 6 in the morning!

Cheryl made CNY cookies and fried seaweed!

And then we doggie sitted Lulu when Jerome and Amber were away for holiday.

She even helped me with the new Teens' Club attendance chart!

More pics of Lulu in my Facebook album!

1 comment:

pohkim said...

Hi, Son..this is delayed, but better late thn never. have dropped by often to enjoy the pics. thanks! really nice, Lulu and cheryl's cookies and memories of Pg trip!