Turning 33 makes me depressed. It's not that i'm not thankful for all the blessings that i have been bestowed. God has indeed blessed me with everything that's important in life, and then some. How can anyone complain if he's been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ? But maybe that's exactly what gets me down. Having been blessed with so much and not having anything to show for it...
I believe that 33 is the prime age for a man. Because the Lord Jesus gave His life up for us at 33. All His life, He knew what He had come for and at 33, the time was right. He would give up His perfect life to pay the price for our sins.
So, this gets me thinking. I'm 33 and what is my life? Do i know what i'm supposed to do? What does God want me to do? IF i do know, am i doing it? Or am i just drifting around and collecting sparkly seashells and missing the sunset?
I believe that 33 is the prime age for a man. Because the Lord Jesus gave His life up for us at 33. All His life, He knew what He had come for and at 33, the time was right. He would give up His perfect life to pay the price for our sins.
So, this gets me thinking. I'm 33 and what is my life? Do i know what i'm supposed to do? What does God want me to do? IF i do know, am i doing it? Or am i just drifting around and collecting sparkly seashells and missing the sunset?
hmm, sue mei jie was just saying the very same thing that day, ie that there is something sobering about turning 33. i always think the lord knows how much more lembab so he lets us live longer and give us extra chance to do something worthwhile. heheh.
Hi, son! take heart.at 56, I still wonder too..
but "the Lord remembers that we are dust.." so live joyfuli, no need to be depressed..He is mighty to save and mighty to keep..and we are under that great saving grace..
but but but... doesn't it feel depressing... i always compare myself with others at my age... um... like angelina jolie... hahahaha... she's achieved so much, even if it's worldly...
sigh... i know... 1 thes 4:11,12...
angelina jolie. hmm. i don't know...i don't think u'd look good with implants...
Hi, son! expansion of earlier thoughts.. had always loved that quotation of the missionary who wrote. "and when I am dying, how glad I shall be, that the lamp of my life had burned out for Thee" Always wanted that to be my own experience too, until recently. It hit me that when I am dying, I am not going to dwell on my life and what I have done for the Lord, but rather, I am just going to find the greatest comfort and peace in counting all that the Lord has done for me and what is mine because of Him.. that changes my whole outlook! Now I live each day, happy to be faithful to do whatever the Lord lays on my heart,simple stuff, seemingly small things, like write a note to someone, drop by to visit, give a call, pray longer.. just be faithful in small things..no need to achieve or do great things..because He has done it all...get the drift, Son? Then it makes no diff, whether you are 33 or 56 or young or old.the essence is obedience..
thanks for the thots mummy :)
wow...so sweet! all of you. and aunty poh kim, such wonderful thoughts to ponder upon. :)
Hi, Christine! Hope to see you around!
Hi, Son.. the pleasure surely is mine!
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