Wild banana tree that i collected back from jungle also is fruiting... i wonder if it's edible...
Sugar gliders get a new home... bigger and outside! i just hope i don't forget to feed them :P
Dinner with family... Aunty Gaik, Adrian, Cindy and Ryan came to Kajang... Ryan is such a happy boy... So different from the whiny baby he was the last time i saw him :D
double chin!!
hey if ur miracle tree bear fruit fast enough, make sure u send one through when pa and mum come over...
so nice!
i dont think it's gonna be so fast la... heheh... but will try...
why dont you carry a plant back then can make money selling the miracle fruit! :)
Splendid Sunday indeed! :) Will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, Mei. Btw, Aun & Cheryl... passion fruit was really nice.
Cindy, we'll pass you more next time :)
thought u said the tree was best grown in the tropics...heheh. otherwise, i'd grow a secret patch under my bed or something, even if it just means saving $$ on sugar... :p
missing everyone...
hey your miracle fruit is featured in the latest issue of discovery channel magazine. people in the US actually hold "flavour tipping" parties? so when's ours? ;)
when we have enough fruits to give each person one ;)
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