this is my neighbour's house. they have been flying the BN flag ever since they shifted in. now, the number of flags have increased, but of course... anyway, what is amusing is what they have to see each day as they step out of the house or look out their front window... (see picture below)... you have to hand it to the opposition for their creativity :)
this one is from jeff ooi's site... a rhyming rebuttal to a slogan... nice...

ooh, i've been seeing pics of the chinese one...dont understaaaand!!
it means something like...
BN says: change for a difference
and DAP replies: and get hit by fiery darts (arrows)
hmmm. ok. i will assume it sounds much better in chinese. :)
hmm... sorry, i think the fiery dart was supposed to be a rocket... my mandarin aint getting any better...
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