anyone who's seen the inside of my dad's shop knows what it's like... he's got stuff lining the walkway, stuff stacked up, stuff stashed away, stuff piled up, stuff strewn around, stuff in drawers, stuff under tables, stuff in cupboards, stuff packed in boxes, stuff in tins, stuff on tins, stuff hanging on hooks, stuff behind doors, stuff forming walls.... well basically he's got lotsa stuff. An organised chaos i must say, cos if you asked him for something, he'll produce it after digging around for a while. So, he knows where he put what.
The scary thing is that when we went back for chinese new year, to my granddad's shop, i found things pretty much the same. My granddad ain't around anymore, so it's just my step-uncle and step-grandma but the similarity of conditions were well.... scary.

I find that if i don't check myself, i have a tendency to hoard and keep stuff too. Everything has some use later on. You never know when you'll need it! (most probably a day after you throw it away). Of course in my store, i have to keep the showroom area spic and span. I'm a real pain when it comes to that, ask Khairul or Ee May. I'll be adjusting price tags and displays to make sure they're absolutely straight. Setting demo units so they are exactly aligned to the table. But how about the workshop? Well, it helps that there is a huge window so people can look straight in, but it sure needs some tidying up too.