So, I was just passing through Sg. Wang on my errants and saw a light shop. Walk in to check it out and spotted (what I thought was) a sweet, cottagey looking set of lights. No, they weren't square. No, they weren't anywhere close to dark brown or walnut. Well, have I told you that impulse purchasing is my ultimate downfall but the story of my life. Maybe all the going around looking and looking made me so tired I just wanted to end it...

Well, I made sure they got me a base and cables that were dark brown and I was pretty happy with my purchase. Excitedly greeted Cheryl at home with, "Da, guess what?!"
me: I bought something *in a sing-songie voice that builds anticipation*
Cheryl: What is it? *in anticipation, due to my sing-songie voice?*
me: I got us our lights!
Cheryl: Cool! Let me see!
me: tada!
Cheryl: *speechless*
me: nice or not? nice or not?
Cheryl: But it's purple... *in very obvious disappointment*
me: yeah, it's handmade!
Cheryl: But, it's purple...
me: and handpainted!
Cheryl: But it's purple...
me: i thought it looks real sweet and cottagey...
Cheryl: But it's purple...
me: your favourite colour is purple, plus it's not the gawdy purple, it's more like lavender...
Cheryl: But it doesn't GO with anything in the house!
me: fine, forget it....
And so, for the seven hundredth time, the little monster called impulse purchase sunk his full set of teeth into my behind... And the set of lights got chucked into my room upstairs. Until, last weekend when I finally decided something had to be done...
Click on photos for a clearer view. Notice that the flowers are now colour coordinated to our walls! Wheeee....
Well, we don't always get what we set out for. But we live and learn. And they look pretty ok. Just wish they were square tho ;)
I've got my behind full of those bite marks. You my friend, are not alone.
hahaha... one day i'll show you mine if you show me yours... kakakaka
your poor wifeys... ;)
for richer or poorer ma... nyuk nyuk...
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