Thursday, February 22, 2007

Soap images...

Take a step back away from your pc and tell me if you see a pig and a bear on the soap...

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Jaya said...

is this some kind of a trick question?

Daisy Annabelle Brie said...

I see it!! the pig was instant recognition.. hehe.. it is my sign :P (on the left with the snout) and the bear it took me 2 seconds and I see it too..

I must've hit my head too hard...

sooaun said...

finally someone sees it... it's quite obvious right? sorry the pciture is so blur... i tried for so long to get a good macro shot but the lighting was so bad...

ling said...

yeah saw it!

Jaya said...

so it's obviously not a trick. i guess i can see the bear. the boar is slightly more difficult but after YC's pointer i think i got it. ;)

mei said...

blur lah u, buddy! yep ko, bright as daylight