Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mimi's got a new home! ( and a new name, i hope..)

Don't get me started on irresponsible pet owners. People who buy a dog for example, just because it looks cute. And then have no time to care for it and neglect it. Poor Mimi was finally adopted by a friend of a friend who needed a doggie to replace one who had died of old age. Because the late doggie's friend was lonely ;)

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Mimi stayed the night in our home before we passed her to Lynn, Han's colleague. Her fur is so matted that she'll need a shave...

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She has a waggy tail and a licky tongue :D Just a little timid cos she was prob beaten, but I'm sure her confidence will return with lotsa tlc.


mei said...

it may be all matted, but she's still a cutey! roscoe didn't develop a crush did he...heheh

sooaun said...

roscoe could only watch from the window (ie. glass door). Didnt wanna any risk of producing micoes or rosmis.... haha