Monday, October 16, 2006

on the move again...

life on the move is fun ain't it? we are supposed to be strangers in this land anyway... i have lost count of how many houses i've stayed in or how many times i've shifted... must be more than 20 by now... but even having to move around at work? sigh... anyway, on the bright side, moving is always exciting (except the packing part) becos there's a new place to do up and look forward to. And moving usually means to a better place... So, i move again...

Here are a few shots of the new place before renovations.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And here's what it looks like after reno.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now, we need warm lights, to transfer in all the equipment and more pics coming up soon... i hope...


Poh said...

Hey, bro! Your new place looks pretty good!

catshyte said...

kor... the place looks kao kewl!

anyways.. yr blog n my blog about the sama sama lah... both layout needs to be tweaked a bit more haha


wish i cud help, but im travelling a bit in town n out of town... work is work otherwise no makan.. hmm maybe thats a good thing, coz then smaller waist-line! haha

anyways if you still need help next week after raya i'll come by n bug yr life, coz i've actually got some time for real.. haha

ling said...

i think the previous green on the wall makes d place look cooler! ^^

hugeee place