Friday, April 07, 2006

Lost For Words

When was the last time you said, "Have a nice day!"? I hardly use that phrase anymore. Somehow, nice doesn't seem to cut it anymore. "Oh, that's nice!", or in reply to, "How was it?", "Um, it was nice". These days, nice would mean, "well, yeah... it's ok, not bad, not that good, just... nice."

When something's good and it strikes us, we'd say, "Wow, that was awesome!", or "Amazing! It was simply wonderful!", or "Great! That was super!". So, these days, I just say, "Have a super day!" or "Thanks for the great time!".

But you know what's been bugging me lately? These are exactly the same words we use to describe God. Wonderful. Awesome. Great. Lovely. We use the same words to describe the Almighty, all powerful God as we would a sundae. Either our language has very limited words, or we exaggerate and over use big words that they lose their meaning. Maybe it's because simple words like good, nice, pleasant or fine have lost their power and we need something more dramatic to describe a, well, good experience. Hey, when God saw all He had made, He said it was good. The whole world, Lord? Good? More like, it was da bomb! Amazing! Fantastic! Wonderful! Awesome!


ling said...

Interesting one, kor. =)

mei said...

somehow i can't see moses writing, "and god saw that it was da bomb!". heheh. good one tho. why no more posts wan?