Sunday, May 09, 2010

He leadeth His own with a gentle hand

I found this entry in one of my many started-but-never-continued diaries. So much so that I don't even know what year it is...

25th Feb
Felt stressed over taking charge of Teen's Club. How do I fill Chee Ching's shoes?
Ex. 36:1 "to whom the Lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work"
It is only by God's grace and empowering. May I never boast or feel proud of myself.

I really have no idea which year this was. But it must have been many years ago, since I remember Ivan and Timothy were in Teen's. And now they're almost out of YP! How the Lord has in His grace guided us and supplied us the strength and wisdom to do the things He has given us to do! This comes as a very much needed reminder as I start 'worrying' about what the DRAMATIM will come up with for the July Youth outreach meeting. Thank you Lord!