Saturday started off fine, besides having to wake at the unearthly hour of six and getting ready to pick the kids up. Left home at 10 to 7 armed with cheryl's homemade muffins and a change of clothes. Spent the next hour picking up 8 children and piling them into the van. Stopped before the first toll to turn the seats around and to commit the trip to the Lord. Oon Hou sat in front cos I picked him first and he yakked all the way, as usual. I could only grin to myself as he talked about his new pet cat, Stripes, and everything else from rockets and cars to cotton candy.

we arrived at FRIM and paid the entrance, drove to the souvenir shop to get our tickets for the canopy walk. Had to wait 15 mins for them to open at 9. Then we were off to Rover track headed for the canopy walk. The place was full of joggers and mountain bikers. Not too long after the kids started feeling tired, the canopy walk entrance appeared. We waited our turn and were briefed on the rules. Grace decided she was scared and didn't want to go. So, she sat and waited for us. After completing the canopy walk, we tracked back along the trail to get Grace and retraced our steps all the way out.

"So nice la the canopy walk, you didn't go...", "Yeahlah, wasted only la you..."Children can be pretty ruthless when it comes to making people feel rotten... Anyway, we headed to the waterfall and were pretty disappointed with it. I promised to take them to a better place next time. (they're already asking when!) We did have fun splashing around and stuffing ourselves with burgers but time was running out and we had to rush back. I had to start picking other children up for teens at 3.

After dropping Oon Hou, Hsin Ren and bringing Rexcy to get his bag, we headed for my home where the others had a quick shower. We had only 15 mins! Dropped them off in centre and shot off to pick my usual load.
Ok, you must be asking where broken hearts fit into this fun but hectic day. When i got back to centre, the Tiah family drove up and Mrs. Tiah came over to talk to me. She said Oon Hou had convinced her that he wanted to come for teens. (they were supposed to go visit a relative and for a buffet dinner and he was supposed to skip teens). But just as they were leaving, the ran over his cat. The poor kid was sobbing away at the back of the MPV. Sigh, it sure isn't easy growing up is it? But then, death is never easy whether you're grown up or not...